Thursday, August 17, 2023

Strip The Frip

Some people say that the clothes make the man.
Put on a suit and voila! Dapper Dan.

Oh, doctor, lawyer, firefighter priest;
Shed those costumes, are you somehow decreased?

Doff civvies, don uniform, and one becomes,
A serious soldier. Cue brass band and drums!

I love being naked; you get what you see,
I am what is happening. It's what defines "me."

Clothes can be a visual comment on wealth.
Be the Gymnosophist for spiritual health.

Come right out of nature and lay bare your souls,
Don't be fooled by facades. Don’t get trapped in your roles.

Free the body of the frippery it loathes. 
Strip the frip. Live now. Don’t be “made” by your clothes.

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